Air Quality _ (Sunday through Saturday) - Found only in Southern California.Data comes direct from TWC meteorologists. Also had the ability to display one marine advisory, ranging from "Caution" to "Hurricane Warning" as well as Dense Fog Advisories (Thunderstorm or Tornado watches were not displayed). Marine Forecast - found only in select coastal areas (mainly New Orleans & points west) & displays wind & wave conditions on a purple/black gradient background.
Another standard feature that is exclusive to the WeatherStar 4000 systems in Southern California is the Air Quality data segment, which never received a full scale roll out outside of California until it was introduced nationwide on the Intellistar. The Extended Forecast displays the forecast for 3 days a time. In Hawaii, there is a radar segment for Seattle, Washington displaying "Radar Data Temporarily Unavailable". In Alaska, a repeat of the Latest Observations segment is used in place of the radar segments. The radar segments are not available on the WeatherStar 4000 in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or the United States Virgin Islands. The text-based Regional Conditions list was replaced with the icon-based Regional Observations map in 1992. The moon icons on the regional maps are represented as crescent moons on the Regional Conditions page. Rain storms were represented by slanted bars that have alternating shades of blue. In 1991, more changes were made, including the addition of a graphic-based Almanac segment featuring moon phases & the graphic-based Current Conditions & Extended Forecast segment which feature a set of medium-sized icons, which were pre-shrunk & later became part of the Regional Conditions & Regional Forecast which replaced & were replaced by more realistic icons featuring sun icons with ripples, as well as puffy white clouds with shades of gray.

The WeatherStar 4000 later received its first facelifts in mid 1990, with the first additions being an orange & blue background with gradient, TWC's logo & icon-based Regional Forecast maps. When the WeatherStar 4000 was first introduced in 1990, it operated in a text-based, mixed-case format on a plain blue background similar to the WeatherStar 3000, but with a cleaner font & current radar image the end of each flavor. 1.1 Segments found on the WeatherStar 4000.During most of the 90s, the 4000 was widely used, but many cable companies began to replace the 4000 with the newer WeatherStar XL in 1998 & 1999 & later the IntelliStar in the next decade.The WeatherStar 4000 was officially discontinued in June of 2014 due to a variety of factors including: Age, Degradation, Increased upkeep/maintaining costs, but most importantly was the cancellation of TWC analog satellite feed which the 4000, Jr., and XL all required.

However, the 4000 used slightly different flavors (screen lineups) that included, beginning in April 1990, a graphical radar page the end of the local forecast. The first 4000s that were placed in service were programmed to operate text only like its predecessors (using its improved font instead). It had an improved display font over it's predecessor, the WeatherStar 3000. It's introduced around 1988 & was designed & manufactured by Canadian electronics company Amirix (then the Applied Microelectronics Institute).

The WeatherStar 4000 was the first graphic-capable model of the WeatherStar line from TWC.